Do you have a dyslexic child who struggles to learn how to read, write, spell & comprehend? With our POWER to READ, we help BUILD your struggling child's self-confidence, RISE his self-esteem & INCREASE his self-worth because we are a ONE-OF-A-KIND 100% Success Multisensory Reading Clinic ! Limited Spaces.
Schedule your child's reading assessment today. 100% Success Summer 2022 Dyslexia Orton-Gillingham Reading Program Tutoring Structured Literacy Intervention, Remediation & Prevention.

Multisensory Reading Clinic
100% Success Dyslexia Orton Gillingham Treatment Tutoring
100% Success Structured Literacy Intervention, Remediation & Prevention #multisensoryreadingclinic #strugglingchildrenreadinghelp #summer2022effectivereadinghelp #ortongillinghammontreal #effectivedyslexiareadinghelpmontreal #dyslexiareadingprogramtutoringmontreallavalquebeccanada