We are not just a dyslexia specialist and an Orton-Gillingham practitioner/tutor, we are the EXPERT with a fast track record of more than eight years of 100% Success in literacy intervention, remediation and prevention.
Highly recommended by our students, parents, as well as teachers and professionals who know how we work, because we are a one-of-a-kind
Multisensory Reading Clinic

For teachers: https://www.multisensoryreadingclinic.com/orton-gillinghame-educator-training-montreal-2024
For Parents:https://www.multisensoryreadingclinic.com/dyslexia-orton-gillingham-effective-reading-success-tutor
#multisensoryreadingclinic #ortongillinghammontreal #dyslexiahelpmontreal #ortongillinghamtrainingmontreal