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Writer's pictureRuth Tougas

We don't learn to read by learning the ABCs, but by sounds & your classroom must have this poster

Updated: Aug 21, 2023

We do not learn to read, write, spell, and comprehend by learning the names of the alphabet -ABCs... but by learning the sounds of each letter and then connecting the sounds and each classroom from pre-school to resource room must have at least The Basic Speech Sounds of the English Language poster on the wall as shown on the first photo below and the second picture, The Basic Speech Sounds and the Letter Formations of the English Language is ideal for any room with students who have specific language difficulties. Arranged structurally with the same letter formation direction, this poster will not only help them to learn and remember the sounds but will also simultaneously teach them how to form the letters correctly.

In celebration of our 8th birthday, we are offering this one-time half price if your school or school board will purchase 50 posters and more: 16X20 inches not laminated or laminated. Offer valid until September 15, our birthday!


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