Signs that your kindergarten is a future struggling reader and the earlier you seek help from the expert, the better off your child would be … you are saving your child…
Difficulties remembering the shapes and learning the names of letters in the alphabet, especially sequencing them : A, B, C, D ,E, F, G H I J…
Confuses the names of letters and numbers; identifying a number as a letter, or a letter as a number
Struggles to remember the letters of his name particularly if his name is long
Trouble learning and singing common nursery rhymes: Jack and Jill, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Hickory, Dickory Dock, etc.
Does not recognize rhyming patterns like a cat, bat, hat, sat, lat, mat
Continue mispronouncing familiar words: persistent “baby talk”: “emeny” instead of “enemy”
There are also the earliest signs of struggling readers:
Family history of reading problems: dyslexia runs in blood relatives
Delay in speaking
Difficulties in pronunciation
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Book your child’s reading assessment today and get help from the expert for your child’s instant & constant decoding progress and immediate improvement in confidence! 100% Success Multisensory Reading Clinic Orton-Gillingham Dyslexia Treatment Montreal Expertise in literacy instruction with high-powered reading & spelling skills online & onsite Orton-Gillingham dyslexia structured literacy intervention & remediation: reading, writing, spelling & comprehension.
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