Follow our BLOG: We will give you the information you need to know for your struggling loved ones and what you can do to help him/her:
Why your child can't read?
Who teaches your child to read? The school's responsibility to teach your child to read.
Why your child's teacher does not know how to teach reading and spelling?
What exactly is your role in helping your child to read?
As parent/s what can you do to help your child?
Why you need to advocate when your child falls behind?
The importance of early identification, intervention, remediation, and prevention
Dyslexia BLOG
The POWER of Knowing
Free information, help, tips, and resources:
Multisensory Reading Clinic Dyslexia Treatment
100% Money-Back Dyslexia Treatment
100% Success Multisensory Reading & Spelling Program
100% Success Literacy intervention, remediation & Prevention